Dec 3, 2012

DmC: Devil May Cry Demo Review

Hey, not just because I tuned my blog into a totally girly cute one doesn't mean I've changed what I like, I'm still a gamer! Alright, let's get on with it. So the DmC demo was released recently and I've been waiting for this since the trailer came out and to put this quite frankly, I didn't know what to expect as a die hard Devil May Cry fan. I thought that either it will really suck or be really epic. The one thing I did like when I saw the trailer that it was kinda like a pre prequel (if there's such a thing xD) since from what I understood back then that this was even before Devil May Cry 3.

I still don't how the game goes concerning the story line, but I think it will be quite interesting since we can know a little bit about Dante and Vergil's parents and their family history. 

Now, as a die hard fan, I'm pretty sure this game made other fans really agitated since it almost completely drifted away from the old games. But personally, I think it's a good thing that Capcom and Ninja Theory took this risk, no game will ever develop if they stick what they know. Games become redundant and boring. 

Onto the review!! 

To be honest, I have not read any other reviews concerning this demo so I'm going to be completely unbiased (at least I'll try, I mean I am a DMC fan. Not to mention I'm pretty easy to please lol.) Okay, so I just finished playing the demo and I actually quite enjoyed it. The controls are a bit tricky since they changed from the previous DMC games but you get used to them.  There are a lot of new moves and combos that did not exist in the old series and response time is tremendously faster as well, making it easier to evade attacks and attack enemies even faster. Of course, some of the old moves are still there and you get a nostalgic feeling as you perform some of them.

The demo is split into two parts, the first being you going through what seems to be an ordinary mission and the next you battle with an utterly gross boss. With the new weapons provided, combat is a lot of fun.

Graphics wise, I have to say that this is the best in the series. The graphics in game play mode are as good as DMC 4 if not better. Of course, I haven't seen any cut scenes yet and so I don't know if they're CGI'd.  The normal cut scenes, however, were very well made and everything looked nice and smooth. Everything has a sharp feel to it and a lot of contrast, and the colors are nice and bright. 

The demons in this game are seriously a piece of work. They are extremely creepy!! When I first started fighting them and a demon gets a nice old close up, I'd just be like 'Ewww! What the fuck is that supposed to be?' With demons that look like dug up dead babies with wings, you start to wonder. So yeah new demons are creepier than all the old games but it's fun, I mean, demons are not supposed to be funny looking, right?

A lot of fans do not like Dante's 'new look' and frankly, I didn't either at first, felt a bit emo compared to how he originally looks. However, the developers said they changed his look to appeal to a younger demographic (I seriously don't understand how they can accomplish that through this since a lot of fans are pretty young and the fact that this is the first time a DMC game has this much cussing so I don't know what they're trying to teach little kids here) and to be more realistic (another thing I do not get, this is a game where you kill demons, where is the reality in that?). His look doesn't irritate me as it used to at first, my eyes got comfortable after a while and I'm very happy that they decided to quit his smoking habit, it just was not like him and I don't think in order for them to carry out a reboot is that they should give Dante a personality makeover. What just eats away at me is that he has dark hair now, they could have at least kept that. But maybe it'll turn silver as you play along since he already has a silver patch at the back of his head. And perhaps as you play you get to see more and more of the older Dante who we know and love.

I just hope that because Devil May Cry was originally created and designed in Japan, they would not try to Americanize this game, otherwise it will lose what makes it so unique than the other games, what makes it Devil May Cry. 

This new DMC game is a lot more challenging than its counterparts (to me at least) and it is a great bunch of fun to play. By what I saw in the demo I can say that the game will most definitely not be boring and I'm really looking forward to buying it and playing the full game to see the plot unfold. And you can also tell that a lot of effort was put into developing this game so I don't think we will be dissapointed.

If you have played the demo too, let me know what you think in the comments below. 


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