Aug 19, 2013

Homemade Garlic Bread

It's been months since I last posted anything here I know. I even had tons of drafts that I never published but I finally took some time away from my hectic life to update you with a little new food post. :D

So who doesn't love garlic bread? It's super easy to make at home and they'll always taste yummy. 

- Toast or french bread (any type of bread will do really, depends on how you like it)
- 1/4 cup of softened butter
- 2 cloves of garlic
- Salt and pepper
- Parsley 
- Thyme

The thing about this recipe is that you can remove or add any ingredients that you like.  Now before making this you can take out the butter from the fridge a little early so it can soften a bit or if you're just taking it out, you can pop it into the microwave for 10 seconds. Remember to not overheat the butter, you don't want it to melt but if it does don't worry you can thicken it up with a little bit of flour. 

Take the cloves of garlic and mush them. Now put the butter into a bowl and add all the seasonings and garlic then salt and pepper to taste. Then just take a fork or spoon and mix everything together. If you're using regular toast what I like to do is cut one slice into half vertically so they're easier to munch on. Then just spread the butter on the bread and place the slices on an oven tray and put it in a pre-heated oven for 15 minutes on 180 C. And that's it! Easy peasy. :D

Oh and sorry for the lack of pictures, when I have some I'll update the post.